Get Connected
Explore joining a small group, serving in a ministry, attending a study, or helping out the Egg Harbor Township community around us.

Discover Greentree Church
We understand that visiting a church and becoming involved can be intimidating. Discover Greentree is an informal gathering for newcomers to learn more about our church family, receive information about next steps in becoming involved in the life of the church, as well as what it means to be a disciple. This class is a great place to meet pastors and members, as well as discover what it means to be a part of Greentree Church in meaningful ways. Discover Greentree happens the 1st Sunday of each month after the service. Bagels and coffee will be served.

Christianity Explored
Christianity Explored examines the Christian faith, considers who Jesus is, why He came and had to die, and what it means to follow Him. The night begins with a dinner followed by teaching and discussion. You can join in and ask any question you may have, or simply sit back and listen. This class will help you find answers to life’s big questions.

Small Groups
The Christian life is meant to be lived in community. We mature in Christ as we know, love, and serve one another in the local church. Small groups are a place we can live out our faith with other believers. At Greentree we have Community Fellowship Groups, which gather to share life and care for one another. Most meet on Sunday evening to share a light meal and apply that morning’s sermon to life. Growth Groups are gender specific and designed to promote growth in godliness and be a place of encouragement and accountability.

Children's Ministry
Children’s Ministry is offered during our Sunday morning service for children infant to 4th grade. On Wednesday nights in the spring and fall, our Purpose Program (for infant – 6th grade) focuses children on who God is and introduces them to the fundamental truths of His word. Our desire is to teach the next generation the incredible truth of God’s love for them in the gospel. We take the safety of each child seriously, so all workers go through a screening process, background check, and Ministry Safe Training. An electronic check-in system is designed to provide security for each family as well as make the check-in process smooth and efficient.

Rooted Parent-Youth Ministry
Rooted is the Parent-Youth ministry of Greentree Church. One of our greatest desires is to raise a generation of passionate followers of Christ the King! Through the power of the gospel, we hope to see our teens saved and transformed into men and women who worship God. We believe that God has given parents the primary responsibility for the discipleship of their children, and the church is called to help equip parents for this ministry. Rooted seeks to partner with parents to train their teens in this God-given task. The focus of our ministry is to root the next generation in the Word of God, in the life of the local church, and in Christ – all for His glory! We do this by providing biblical teaching and the context in which to build meaningful peer relationships that seek to make the gospel central in their lives.

NEXT - Young Adult Ministry
Find a place where you can serve Greentree Church and the Egg Harbor Township community.

Serving Teams
We want you to find a place to serve at Greentree. From working with children, to behind the scenes work, or greeting new families, there is a place for you to get involved. Serving provides a way to connect with others and help meet the needs of the church.

Mission Teams
Our church has deep and long-standing relationships with several church planters and ministries. Through these partnerships we seek to advance the gospel both locally and globally. We encourage and strengthen our partnership through prayer, mission trips, financial support, and leadership training.
Explore Greentree Church
What’s your next step? Learn more, start planning your visit, or get directions!
Meet the Leadership
Get to know the people who love the Lord and aim to humbly serve Greentree.
Read Our Beliefs
What we believe about the Bible instructs everything that we value as a church.