About Us
Our mission and our values demonstrate who we are and flow from what we believe.

Our Mission
“We are a church passionate about exalting Christ in our knowing, living, and proclaiming His glorious gospel.”
We are a church passionate about knowing God through the Bible. God’s desire is for people to know and treasure Him, and the Bible is how we grow in our love for Him.

God has first loved us, and we are also called to love one another. This glorious message of the gospel transforms lives, and so we are a church passionate about exalting Christ, deeply committed to loving one another, and living out the amazing love we have been shown in the gospel.
God has called His church to be those who proclaim the good news of Jesus saving work for sinners. As followers of Jesus, we have the joy of being used by God to spread the glorious message of salvation. We are passionate about reaching those who are far from Jesus in our community, and around the world.

Who We Are
At Greentree we desire to be a church that is more and more passionate about the gospel in our church family and our community each day. When visiting Greentree you will experience a people who are truly committed to loving one another and are passionate about treasuring Jesus. Jesus is made much of in every part of our church life. You will not only see people loving Jesus and loving each other, but find that they invite you in to be a part of it all as well.

Our Values
The core values of any organization reflect who they are and what they believe
We believe that the gospel—the good news of God’s saving activity in Jesus Christ—is the pinnacle of His redemptive acts, the center of the Bible’s story, and the essential message for our faith, life, and witness. We are committed to preaching the gospel, singing the gospel, praying the gospel, and building our church upon the gospel.
Scripture presents the all-glorious, triune God as the source and end of all things, sovereignly working all things according to His will. At the center of God’s purposes in the world is the exaltation of His glory through the redemption of sinners. God’s sovereign grace in salvation humbles us, fills us with gratitude, and compels us to worship Him and share the message of His grace to all people.
We believe the Holy Spirit desires to continually fill each believer with increased power for Christian life and witness, including the giving of His supernatural gifts for the building up of the church and for various works of ministry in the world.
Men and women, while different, are both created in the image of God to display the glory of God by reflecting the relationships of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit and of Christ to the church. According to God’s good design, men and women play distinct, but complementary, roles in the church and the home.
Jesus Christ reigns as head over the church, and He gives His church elders (pastors) to govern and lead under His authority. We believe that men, qualified by both character and gifting, are to serve as elders by loving God’s people.
Outreach Focused
Our gospel-centrality fills us to not only treasure the gospel personally but to share it passionately. We believe Jesus has called the whole church to be on mission until the day He returns. We are passionate about proclaiming the glorious gospel to those far from Christ in our community and the world.

Greentree Church is united in fellowship, mission, beliefs, and governance with Sovereign Grace Churches.
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Read Our Beliefs
What we believe about the Bible instructs everything that we value as a church.